New training methods to Manage Climatic & ecological transitions in perennial fruit crops

Newclim aims at enhancing cooperation between EU universities, with a focus on supporting the climate transition and smarter practices in agriculture sector. The project will transfer research results to create teaching materials, a digital platform, and common curricula, and adopt a comprehensive approach of the perennial culture. Newclim will also develop students' and staff's digital competencies through e-learning opportunities and disseminate the final deliverables to a broad audience.
The project plans four work packages:
- Collect existing scientific materials in an interactive website (WP2)
- Use this material to create innovative digital pedagogical tools (WP3)
- Introduce tools into partner universities' trainings/curricula, prioritizing Master's level (WP4)
- Promote project and share objectives/results through a communication plan, social networks, scientific articles, and events in partnered countries (WP5).
Newclim aims at producing an open access platform containing scientific and educational material and digital tools. This platform will be available on a permanent basis with the possibility of being enriched by external contributors.
Newclim will design and test a hybrid course, with the support of PhD students, of the "challenge based learning" type at Master level. The material will be transferable and available to all interested institutions involved in higher education